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Psychological Assessment

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Psychological Assessment at GIA Beverly Hills

At GIA Beverly Hills, we recognize each patient’s uniqueness. We provide customized treatment packages for everyone entering our accessible, modern, and welcoming Beverly Hills clinic. Many patients arrive understanding their struggles, such as cocaine or gambling addiction, or life-crippling depression. 

Others sense an issue but cannot pinpoint it. With GIA Beverly Hills, patients are in excellent hands. A comprehensive and compassionate psychological assessment enables our mental health and wellness experts to devise effective treatment solutions.

Why Do We Use a Psychological Assessment?

Our psychological assessments at GIA Beverly Hills create a detailed diagnostic picture of your mental health. Initially, every patient undergoes a psychiatric evaluation, but further information may be required, leading to a more intensive psychological assessment. 

This four to six-hour assessment involves various clinical-standard tests to determine the most suitable treatments for your needs. It involves reviewing your past and present to plan your future effectively.

How Will a Psychological Assessment Help Me?

The assessment process is crucial for self-growth, with results discussed openly with you. Understanding your condition provides reassurance, highlighting how specific triggers and past events have influenced your current state. 

This understanding aids in moving toward a solution and grasping how the treatment plan will function. 

Goals and milestones are set, and other potential contributing conditions are ruled out. Despite any negative connotations, the psychological assessment is conducted with utmost compassion and respect.

How Do I Prepare For a Psychological Assessment?

You often know when you’re not feeling your best. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) highlights several warning signs:

  • Sudden mood changes
  • Unexplained nervousness
  • Social withdrawal
  • Excessive substance use
  • Concentration difficulties
  • Challenges in performing usual tasks
  • Increased sensitivity to sensory inputs
  • Loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities

How Do I Know I Need a Psychological Assessment?

You often know when you’re not feeling your best. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) highlights several warning signs:

  • Sudden mood changes
  • Unexplained nervousness
  • Social withdrawal
  • Excessive substance use
  • Concentration difficulties
  • Challenges in performing usual tasks
  • Increased sensitivity to sensory inputs
  • Loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities

Can I Bring a Family Member or Friend With Me for Support?

We want you to be at ease during your time with us. The best healing takes place when we’re relaxed. If having someone with you would make your assessment easier, we encourage you to bring them. 

You can also have someone with you during any stage of your treatment if it will make you more comfortable.

Explore The Best Treatment Options at GIA Beverly Hills

Whatever challenge you’re facing, GIA Beverly Hills is here to help you overcome it. Our personalized treatment packages are designed to fit around your life – our thorough psychological assessment helps us find the best fit. Call us at (424) 288-7517 today.

Background for It's Time to Make a Change  We Can Help You on Your Path to Mental Wellness
It's Time to Make a Change

We Can Help You on Your Path to Mental Wellness

Call Today (424) 288-7517