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How does TMS Treatment Work

The Science Behind TMS – How Does TMS Treatment Work

Transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy (TMS) treats various mental health conditions. It is FDA-approved for clinical depression, obsessive-compulsive disorders, and smoking cessation. Studies show TMS effectively treats anxiety disorders, PTSD, and substance use disorders.

TMS is a non-invasive procedure that uses gentle magnetic pulses on the head’s surface. These pulses penetrate the scalp and stimulate specific brain areas. Lower frequency pulses calm brain activity, while higher frequency pulses increase it. These changes can significantly impact mood and behavior.

TMS is painless and has no lasting side effects. It is most effective with multiple sessions over time, with a break between each session. Typical courses include daily TMS sessions for about four to six weeks.

Treatment For Depression, Anxiety Disorders, PTSD, and Addiction

Doctors apply TMS differently based on the condition. For clinical depression, stimulation targets the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex on the brain’s left side, as approved by the FDA.

Following its success in treating depression, scientists explored TMS for anxiety, PTSD, and other neurological and psychiatric conditions. TMS can be life-changing for those with anxiety who do not fully benefit from cognitive therapies or medication. At GIA, we offer TMS for anxiety disorders, addictions, OCD, PTSD, and clinical depression.

Recent research shows TMS effectively treats substance use disorders and behavioral addictions. Dr. Antonello Bonci, GIA’s founder, is a leading expert on TMS in these fields.

Substance use disorders, such as alcoholism or cocaine addiction, cause significant brain changes. They affect reward pathways, leading to urges to use substances and impacting dopamine production and transmission.

TMS therapy targets these brain areas, showing promising results in reducing cravings and improving behavior. TMS may increase abstinence, reduce cravings, and improve symptoms of substance abuse, such as memory lapses and decreased cognitive performance. At GIA, we offer this innovative treatment to patients suffering from all forms of addiction.

A Safe, FDA-Approved Therapy

TMS is a painless, FDA-approved therapy with fewer side effects than antidepressants. Patients remain awake and can interact with the therapist during the session. TMS is approved by the FDA for treating major depressive disorder, OCD, smoking cessation, and anxiety symptoms in people with depression.

The magnetic pulses used in TMS therapy reach about two to three centimeters into the brain, just below the treatment coil. These pulses are focused to maximize effects on other brain areas connected to the stimulated area, creating a larger therapeutic effect.

Major Depression

Depression often involves lower levels of brain activity in the prefrontal cortex, which regulates emotions, mood, and physical pain. TMS therapy stimulates nerve cells in this area, increasing brain activity. Studies show that TMS benefits people with depression, especially when other treatments have failed. Around 50% to 60% of individuals with treatment-resistant depression experience a decrease in symptoms or complete remission after TMS.

Anxiety Disorders

People with anxiety often have a hyperactive amygdala. In this case, TMS uses low-frequency magnetic pulses to slow down brain activity. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) treats anxiety by reducing nerve cell activity to normal levels.


Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is a non-invasive treatment for addictions, thanks to the pioneering work of Dr. Antonello Bonci, founder of GIA Dr. Bonci and his colleagues found that increasing prefrontal cortex activity helps people with addictions engage in emotional regulation and healthy coping skills. Clinical trials and studies led to C.E. approval in Europe for using TMS to treat addictions.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

People with OCD may experience hyperactivity in certain brain areas, leading to repetitive and obsessive behaviors. rTMS therapy aims to reduce the activity of these neurological networks to achieve balance. Beyond OCD, TMS therapy also helps alleviate symptoms of autism, PTSD, chronic pain, and more. Scientists are increasingly recognizing the benefits of this therapy for conditions that may be resistant to traditional treatments like medication or psychotherapy.

TMS and rTMS -What Is the Difference?

You might have noticed references to both transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS). Both are forms of the same brain stimulation treatment, but within the TMS system, there are three modalities:

  • Single-pulse: One magnetic pulse is applied every few seconds.
  • Paired-pulse: Two pulses of different intensities are used within the same brain hemisphere to either inhibit or activate neurons.
  • Repetitive TMS: Multiple magnetic pulses are applied rapidly at specific times and intensities to stimulate change.

What To Expect During TMS Treatments

Before we can develop a treatment plan tailored to your unique needs, it’s crucial to understand what is occurring in your mind and body. Whether you arrive with a previous diagnosis or are uncertain about the cause of your feelings, the initial step is an evaluation.

The mention of a ‘psychiatric’ or ‘psychological’ evaluation often brings anxiety due to prevalent stigmas and misconceptions. Our objective in conducting these assessments is to better comprehend your needs. During this phase, you can expect us to inquire about your current symptoms, the duration of these symptoms, past treatments you’ve tried, and your aspirations for the future, including your goals and dreams. We may also discuss any previous or ongoing diagnoses and your family health history.

We recognize that discussing personal aspects of your life can be uncomfortable. Please rest assured, we respect your boundaries and will not compel you to disclose anything you are not prepared to share. Our primary goal is to enhance your mental wellness and help you manage your symptoms effectively.

With a clearer understanding of your emotional, mental, and physical needs, we will craft a TMS treatment plan aimed at addressing your symptoms and fostering enduring change.

TMS Treatment Sessions

TMS therapy sessions typically last between 30 to 40 minutes, tailored to each individual’s needs. The treatment course generally spans four to six weeks with sessions occurring five days a week.

During your session, you are free to engage in activities that help you relax and feel at ease, such as reading, watching videos, meditating, or conversing with your TMS technician. We encourage you to use this time to participate in activities that make you feel calm and comfortable.

Benefits of TMS Therapy

TMS therapy offers numerous advantages, making it a preferred treatment option for many. Key benefits include:

  • Non-invasiveness and Tolerance: TMS is a non-invasive treatment that is generally well-tolerated by patients.
  • No Anesthesia Required: The treatment does not require the use of anesthesia.
  • No Hospital Stay: There is no need for hospitalization with TMS therapy.
  • Minimal Side Effects: Research indicates that TMS treatments typically result in few to no side effects.
  • Independence: You can attend sessions and then drive yourself home, maintaining independence throughout your treatment.
  • Routine Maintenance: You can continue with your daily activities, such as work and school, during the treatment period.
  • Compatibility with Other Therapies: TMS therapy complements other types of talk therapies and treatments effectively.

Potential Side Effects

Transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy typically causes few to no side effects. However, like any medical treatment, there’s a slight chance of experiencing side effects. For TMS, these are usually minor and quickly subside after treatment without affecting the therapy’s effectiveness.

Some individuals with hypersensitivity may experience hearing issues due to the noise from the TMS machine. To mitigate this, all clients are provided with earplugs before sessions begin. Should you experience any issues or have concerns related to hypersensitivity, it is important to discuss these with your doctor. Symptoms, if they occur, generally resolve shortly after a TMS session. To date, there are no reported long-term side effects from rTMS therapy.

Important Pre-Treatment Considerations

If you are pregnant or have any of the following conditions, it is crucial to speak with your TMS physician before starting treatment:

  • Brain injury
  • Brain damage
  • History of seizures
  • History of epilepsy

Additionally, if you have any metal implants such as electrodes for monitoring brain activity, metal devices in the brain, head, or neck area, aneurysm clips, bullet fragments, deep brain stimulators, or any other metal or magnetic device implanted in your body, you must inform your technician.

Before initiating rTMS treatment, discuss your past and current medical and mental health conditions and any medications you are taking with your TMS physician. This discussion will help ensure that rTMS is an appropriate and safe treatment option for your specific needs.

How To Get Started?

At GIA Beverly Hills, we’ve dedicated ourselves to creating a sanctuary for healing. In a world that often feels chaotic, loud, and overwhelming, such environments are not conducive to mental wellness. That’s why we’ve crafted a peaceful setting where you can relax and start your journey toward recovery. Our team consists of compassionate and welcoming professionals eager to assist you.

After completing treatment, one of our previous clients shared that “having a facility that is purpose-built as a mental wellness center makes a real difference. Every space is light and calm and has everything you need to feel comfortable and focused during treatment.” – C.J.  

If you are ready to start your healing journey, please do not hesitate to book a free consultation with us. We can explain our services and take you through our treatment options.

We pride ourselves on inclusivity and welcome individuals of all genders, races, sexual orientations, nationalities, and financial situations. We believe everyone deserves a first-class experience and that language barriers should not obstruct access to treatment. Our staff are fluent in both English and Spanish, allowing us to communicate effectively according to your preference.

When you’re ready to take the next step, please call us at (424) 288-7517. Our dedicated team is available 24 hours a day to answer your call and help you start your path to recovery.

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It's Time to Make a Change

We Can Help You on Your Path to Mental Wellness

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