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Wrap-Around Mental Health Care

Making quality treatment accessible

We’re committed to breaking down the barriers to recovery – the sooner you contact us, the sooner you can begin your healing journey.

GIA Beverly Hills is an ADA compliant facility, servicing the needs of all patients, regardless of age, sex, sexual orientation, disability, nationality, race, or political affiliation.

Find out how we can help you – TMS TherapyDepression TreatmentAnxiety Treatment

Pioneering the world of non-invasive brain stimulation and mental wellness

Life wants you back. Now.

Call Today (424) 288-7517
Contact Us

Helping you back to your best self

Visit us at
GIA Beverly Hills
8322 Beverly Boulevard
Suite 202
Los Angeles, CA 90048
Have a Question? Call Us!
Call Today (424) 288-7517
Background for The rest of your life is waiting  Contact us to begin the next level of recovery
The rest of your life is waiting

Contact us to begin the next level of recovery

Call Today (424) 288-7517