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Anxiety Treatment & Therapy Beverly Hills

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Are you searching for an Anxiety Treatment center in Beverly Hills? At GIA Beverly Hills, our Mental Health Treatment Center offers advanced, evidence-based treatment strategies tailored to meet your unique needs. Our outpatient facilities are strategically located throughout Beverly Hills, ensuring easy access for all patients.

Are you ready to start therapy and free yourself from anxiety? Call us now.

Want to learn more about us and our treatment approach? Read on below

How do we treat anxiety at GIA Beverly Hills?

At GIA Beverly Hills, we address anxiety with a variety of therapies including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), Group Therapy, and Couple Therapy. Recognizing that each individual’s situation is unique, we customize our treatment programs to tackle specific challenges, traumas, and current life circumstances. Our process starts with a comprehensive consultation and psychiatric evaluation to accurately diagnose the condition. From this assessment, we develop a targeted treatment program.

Anxiety disorders can affect anyone, prompting us to design personalized recovery plans tailored to your particular needs. We ensure that you are involved in all decision-making processes, making your recovery journey truly centered around your preferences and needs

We specialize in TSM Therapy for Anxiety

At GIA Beverly Hills, we specialize in Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Therapy as a potent treatment option for anxiety disorders. TMS Therapy is beneficial for individuals who have not found relief through traditional methods such as medication and talk therapy. TMS works by targeting specific areas of the brain involved in mood regulation and stress response.

If you’ve tried traditional therapies without success, TMS Therapy at GIA Beverly Hills could be the key to regaining control of your mental health. Our dedicated team is committed to supporting you at every stage of your treatment, ensuring that you receive the highest level of care and expertise.

TMS Therapy for anxiety provided by Dr. Antonello Bonci and our team

At GIA, our treatment approach is led by Dr. Antonello Bonci, a pioneering specialist in Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS). His groundbreaking clinical researches have proven the effectiveness of TMS, helping it gain global approval for treating various mental health issues. Dr. Bonci and our team are dedicated to providing the highest quality care based on current evidence-based research, a field in which Dr. Bonci actively contributes. By choosing GIA, you are in truly expert hands, supported by a team committed to your recovery journey.

What is TMS Therapy?

TMS Therapy is a safe, non-invasive treatment approved by the FDA. It uses gentle magnetic pulses to stimulate specific areas of the brain. This therapy has been effective for over three decades, helping millions of people. TMS works well for those with anxiety, depression, addiction, and other mental health disorders like insomnia. These conditions often involve parts of the brain that are either underactive or overactive. By stimulating these areas, TMS can improve mood, reduce cravings, and alleviate other symptoms.

Patients can resume their daily activities immediately after each session, making TMS a convenient and secure option.

Anxiety Therapy: How Does TMS Treat Anxiety?

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) effectively treats anxiety by focusing on brain areas responsible for mood regulation and stress. Anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and social anxiety disorder, often involve an overactive amygdala, crucial for emotion processing and triggering the “fight or flight” response during stressful situations.

For individuals with anxiety disorders, an overactive amygdala can cause persistent worry and stress. TMS employs magnetic pulses to stimulate neurons in specific brain regions, particularly the prefrontal cortex, which helps modulate the activity of the amygdala.

How TMS Helps with Anxiety:

  • Regulates Brain Activity: TMS reduces hyperactivity in the amygdala by modulating neuron activity, restoring normal brain function, alleviating anxiety symptoms, and enhancing emotional control.
  • Non-Invasive Stimulation: TMS delivers magnetic pulses that are non-invasive and painless, penetrating the scalp and skull to reach brain cells, ensuring the treatment is safe and comfortable for most patients.
  • Targeted Treatment: TMS specifically targets brain regions overactive in anxiety disorders, making this approach potentially more effective than some traditional therapies.
  • Improves Brain Connectivity: TMS may also enhance connectivity between various brain areas, improving overall brain function and providing long-term relief from anxiety symptoms.

TMS offers a non-invasive, scientifically-supported alternative for those who have not found success with traditional treatments like medication and talk therapy, providing a viable option for managing anxiety.

What does the TMS session for anxiety treatment look like? What can I expect?

During a TMS session for anxiety treatment, you will remain fully awake and can communicate with the therapist throughout. The process is simple and painless, allowing you to drive yourself to and from each session.

Initial Mapping Session: The treatment begins with an initial “mapping session,” where the therapist uses magnetic pulses to identify the precise brain location and intensity required for your treatment. This personalized mapping ensures the therapy is tailored to your specific brain activity patterns.

During the Session: After determining the optimal location, the therapist starts the stimulation. You will sit in a comfortable chair while the magnetic coil is positioned over your head. During the session, you may hear a clicking sound and feel a tapping sensation on your scalp, which are normal and not painful.

Environment and Comfort: The therapy environment is designed to be relaxing and supportive. You can engage in quiet activities like reading, watching TV, or simply resting while the therapy is administered, ensuring you feel at ease throughout the treatment.

Anxiety Therapy: How many sessions do I need?

Every client is different. Some clients may notice small changes after one to two weeks (5-10 sessions) of TMS for anxiety, while others start to see improvements in the fourth or fifth week (20-25 sessions). It’s recommended to complete the entire course of treatment, regardless of when improvements first appear.

Effectiveness of TMS for Anxiety Treatment

Research demonstrates that Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) can significantly reduce anxiety symptoms by targeting and calming brain areas linked to anxiety. TMS has proven effective where traditional treatments, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) or anti-anxiety medications, may not have been fully successful.

TMS is known for its reassuring safety profile, contrasting sharply with the side effects often associated with medications, such as nausea, indigestion, and agitation. The side effects of TMS are generally mild and temporary, with the most common being slight discomfort at the treatment site.

Patients who have undergone TMS for anxiety frequently report a greater sense of control over their emotions, experiencing reduced stress and worry.

Is TMS Therapy Covered by insurance?

Most insurance plans cover TMS therapy under certain conditions. GIA Beverly Hills can work with insurance companies to determine your level of coverage and handle any necessary paperwork. Contact us to get more details about the treatment and your insurance coverage.

Can TMS Make Anxiety Worse?

TMS is considered a safe and effective treatment for anxiety disorders and does not make anxiety worse. Most people undergoing TMS report feeling calmer and better able to handle stress. There is no conclusive evidence showing that TMS exacerbates anxiety. 

In fact, the vast majority of patients report improved anxiety symptoms and an enhanced ability to cope with stressors.

Can TMS Damage Your Brain?

TMS is entirely non-invasive and does not damage the brain.

Can TMS Change Your Personality?

TMS does not fundamentally change your personality; it alleviates symptoms of mental health issues, helping you reconnect with your true self and express yourself more fully.

What is Anxiety? How do I know I need treatment?

Anxiety is among the most prevalent psychological disorders in the United States, characterized by intense, overwhelming emotions that can lead to excessive worry, stress, and panic.

Common Signs of Anxiety Disorders:

  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Insomnia or trouble sleeping
  • Confusion or brain fog
  • Heart palpitations and chest pain
  • Persistent overthinking and analyzing
  • Inability to control thoughts
  • Feelings of dread
  • Constant worrying
  • Changes in appetite

If these symptoms disrupt your daily life, it’s crucial to seek a professional evaluation. Anxiety disorders can affect anyone, and recognizing the signs is an essential step toward effective management.

For an accurate assessment of your condition, contact GIA Beverly Hills. Our experienced team will help you understand your symptoms and provide the necessary support.

Anxiety Treatment Center in Beverly Hills

Our anxiety treatment center adheres to an outpatient model, enabling you to access support without interrupting your daily life. Recognizing that our clients have numerous responsibilities, we ensure our treatment plans offer flexibility.

Your recovery is designed to integrate seamlessly into your life, allowing you to maintain responsibilities and continue healthy activities. This approach not only supports a strong, sustained recovery but also enables you to apply therapeutic techniques in real-world situations, enhancing their effectiveness.

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It's Time to Make a Change

We Can Help You on Your Path to Mental Wellness

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